research — Research Archive — AguaClara Reach


Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) - Fall 2019

Francesca Bard, Katrina Chen, Shania Fang, Kyra Frederick, Dominic Grasso, Ahad Ishfaq, Lydia LaGorga, Emily Liu, Cara Smith, Valentine Starnes, Emily Wood


Since spring 2017, the AguaClara Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) team has been working on designing and fabricating a gravity-powered wastewater treatment system for communities looking for an alternative to releasing waste directly into streams and rivers. During fall 2019, the team installed a Pulsated Flow Reactor (PFR) at the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Facility (IAWWTF), fabricated a Continuous Flow Reactor, and began construction on a third reactor. Different design parameters in the reactors will help determine which features optimize reactor efficiency. Finally, the team conducted a set of laboratory tests in order to better characterize the influent quality, effluent quality, and site characteristics which may impact reactor efficiency.

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