Proven Technology with a Sustainable Approach
AguaClara technology began the process of rapid evolution in 2005 with our partnership with Agua Para el Pueblo in Honduras. AguaClara water treatment plants are designed to provide the highest quality water while being sustainable even in remote and off-grid communities.
Approach to Sustainability
Local Focus
AguaClara plants are built using locally-available materials and utilizing community labor. This empowers communities to independently undertake future repairs.
Simple Operation
The processes are designed to be easily observed, understood, and maintained.
Gravity Power
AguaClara plants do not require electricity to run. The treatment process is powered by gravity.
Useful Tech Outperforms High Tech
Conventional high tech water treatment plants combine software, sensors, and mechanized controls for plant operation. The mechanized control systems require many moving specialized parts that inevitably break. Too often, the result is that the entire plant is abandoned after only a few years.
At AguaClara, we prioritize resilience and reliability in our creation of the next generation of water treatment technologies. Our plants have high reliability because the conventional failure modes caused by many moving parts, electrical controls, and motorized components have been eliminated. They also continue to produce safe drinking water through power failures and use far less energy than conventional designs.
Water entering an AguaClara plant (left) for treatment, compared to water leaving an AguaClara plant (right) after treatment.
Elements for Success
Too often communities have been saddled with technologies that perform poorly, require too much energy to operate, and were based on designs with short lived components that can’t easily be replaced. In those cases it is too easy to blame the community for the failure instead of recognizing that the technology failed.
AguaClara technologies are resilient, high-performing, and low cost to operate. Communities that don’t have as many resources can still benefit from an AguaClara plant.