After the Hydrodoser installations were completed in Patimul and Majhi Ukhura, the Gram Vikas (GV) and AguaClara Reach (ACR) team prepared for system inaugurations on February 14th.
In Patimul, the entire community gathered to welcome the Hydrodoser team back with a celebration filled with song and dance. The inauguration ceremony was led by Dr. Joe Madiath, Gram Vikas’ Chairman. After the ribbon-cutting, Fletcher Chapin (ACR employee) gave Chairman Madiath a walkthrough of the Hydrodoser system.
Chairman Madiath during the Patimul ribbon-cutting ceremony.
After the system walkthrough, community members enjoyed fresh coconuts and children gave bouquets of freshly-picked flowers to each GV staff member. Chairman Madiath and Fletcher gave speeches in Oriya and English, respectively. They thanked Apriya Maharana and Debashish Mohapatra (GV employees) for their work and the community members for their kind welcome and enthusiasm for the project. Chairman Madiath reflected that the villagers are “born masons, born architects... born everything,” highlighting the expertise that the community members showed in the fabrication and installation of the Hydrodoser system.
Everyone expressed excitement for the system completion and hope for its continued maintenance and success into the future. After the speeches, women of the community led a song in Sora, the local dialect. Fletcher thanked the community and said his goodbyes, bittersweet that their time together had come to an end.
Community members singing during the community celebration in Patimul.
Following the inauguration in Patimul, the team returned to the community of Majhi Ukhura for their Hydrodoser inauguration. There, they were welcomed again with a procession filled with songs and dances, which continued from the road all the way to the Hydrodoser at the top of the hill.
Community members during the Majhi Ukhura inauguration.
Chairman Madiath led the ribbon-cutting and Laxminarayan Panda, the GV cluster manager, gave a speech to the community as people sipped on coconut water. Fletcher shook hands with all of the children while saying his goodbyes to everyone he worked with. Before leaving, he made sure to fill his water bottle with safe water, thanks to the chlorination process of the Majhi Ukhura Hydrodoser.
Commemoration plaque at Majhi Ukhura Hydrodoser.
Together, the Patimul and Majhi Ukhura Hydrodosers serve 360 people with chlorinated water. With the proper care and maintenance, these Hydrodosers will continue serving these communities for years to come.
Our work in India is made possible by our incredible partners at Gram Vikas and the Tata Cornell Institute. Thank you so much for your support.